Nude Food Day

Today is Nude Food Day
Room 14 is celebrating it by not having any wrappers in their lunchboxes.  Instead we are using containers or nothing.


Here is a lunchbox without wrappers. It just has a container to put the food in. We are trying to help care for the environment by having less packaging.
By Tarn and Eva


  1. Hi Room 14!
    How is your nude food day going? Is is hard to find food at home without wrappers? I think it's great for our environment not to have wrappers on our food... and it's means you're eating fresh food as well!
    Keep up your learning! I love reading your new posts!
    P.S- I'll start getting my children to comment on your blog too!

  2. Hi! Mrs Natusch,
    We loved Nude Food Day. We liked how our food tasted. Tarn really liked not having to un-do the wrappers on his food so he could get to the food quickly. Rebecca liked the challenge of finding food without wrappers. We also noticed there was less rubbish lying around our school. Some of us do use plastic bags but we re-use them each day.
    Thanks for your kind comments about our blog.
    Room 14

  3. Students of Room 14HES, you've inspired us to give you a tour of our lunch trays. Most of us at PS # 12, in New Jersey-USA, don't bring lunch boxes to school. Instead, we eat free or reduced price school lunches. As a result, there isn't as much variety as is on display in your lunch boxes. It's always good to compare and contrast the ways in which we are similar and different. Please take a look at our class blog spot on Monday. Leave us a comment so that we will hear your thoughts. Thanks for sharing!

  4. Hi! Mrs Anderson,
    We can't wait to see your class photos of your lunches. Today we used Google Earth to look at your school and we thought our school location looks similar because we have a river by our school too.
    From Room 14

  5. WOW!! Nude Food day was fun.I like Tarn's picture.
    From Lita Room 14


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