We are a class of Year 3 and 4 students at Hamilton East School in Hamilton, New Zealand. Our teacher is Rebecca Wilcox, you can contact her by emailing rwilcox@hameast.school.nz.
We love learning together and sharing our learning with others.
We read the book The Tree House Treaty by Wiremu Grace. The children in the story built a tree hut in a big old Pohutakawa tree. They made a treaty to agree how they could all use their tree hut fairly. We created our own class treaty to symbolize how our class is a friendly and supportive learning environment.
This week is the beginning of our Quad Blogging. This is a great way to connect with other classes around the world. It is when you have other classes around the world that are your friends. You connect with them by looking at and commenting on their blogs. We will find out what they are learning about. We hope to also learn about their countries. Our Quad Blogging buddies are - Year 4, Greenpark School Year 4, Trinity CE Lower School Mrs Booth's Fourth Graders, Sherman Central School, USA Hi! Quad Bloggers, This is us - Room 14 - underneath the gateway at the front of our school. We are excited about reading your comments on our blog. We have thought of some questions to find out more about you - Where do you like to play at your school? What is your favourite subject? What do you like to learn about? Do you have a school uniform? What time does your school start and finish? Where is your school? How many students are at your school? How old is your scho...
Getting Wet I was jumping up and down singing ‘ring-a-ring-a-rosies’. My goal was getting wet so I tried and tried to get wet until my nose touched the water. Then I had done it! When I was jumping up and down singing ‘ring-a-ring-a-rosie’ I thought it was helping me to move in the water. I was still a little frightened of splashes the people made but day-by-day I got braver and braver. Swimming even helped me float with the board. I love swimming. By Rafeea My Swimming Goal I zoom through the open gate door. I zoom inside the open girls changing room door and I got changed very, very, quickly. I got out of the girls changing room and waited for my turn alongside the gate. Now it’s my groups turn to get in. I slide in the safe way. It was cold and chilly in the pool. My group is swimming lengths. My goal was pinkie finger out before the others for backstroke. I have to float on my back, get my motor legs ready, my ice cream scoop hands ready, and push off. My mot...
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