Skype Day

This morning we got to school super early.
Why would we come to school so early? 
So we could Skype our friends in other classrooms across the world.
First up at 7:15am was Miss Pope's Superstars in North Carolina, USA.
We had a technical difficulty and had to change classrooms before we could talk properly. (Thanks Room 16 for letting us use your room). Miss Pope's Superstars were just about as excited as we were.
 We read them a story about Taniwha and we also counted to 10 in Maori. 
They counted in 10 in Spanish. They also told us about their day. After our Skype call they were going home and we were just starting our day.
Then we skyped a mystery school.
We didn't know where in the world they were and we had to ask them yes and no questions to find out where they were.
They had great Geography knowledge but they thought we were in Australia. We guessed using their accent too and we thought they were in the USA. 
Where were they? In Chicago. (Actually they were in a town outside of Chicago). They finally guessed we were in New Zealand and they even got the city right! WOW! Great work Coal City Middle School.
We think they are lucky to get snow in winter. Right now it is Fall in Chicago. (Fall is what we call Autumn). We also found out they only get 30 minutes for lunchtime!
At 9:15am we skyped Te Poi School. It was great to catch up with them again. The great news is that they are now an Enviro School too. Congratulation Te Poi School. They showed us some of the work that they have done.  Now every Friday they have Enviro Teams where they do jobs to help look after their school. What a great idea!
We look at Room 8 at Melville Intermediate's blog a lot. We were so excited that today we would finally get to see and talk to some of their students. We found out that their school is 47 years old and also has maori carvings like us. They have gardens outside their classrooms and a worm bin area.  We also got to catch up with a student who used to go to Hamilton East School.
At 1:30pm we skyped 1B at Dalby Primary School in Queensland, Australia.
We asked each other a lot of questions. Here a few of the things we found out. Dalby is 3 hours away from a beach. (We are only 45 minutes away from a beach). They go by bus to the swimming pool. Their school is 150 years old. Over 500 students go to their school. They call fields ovals. They are going to take some photos of their school so we can get an idea of what it looks like.

Thank you so much to the classes and their fabulous teachers (Miss Pope, Mr Hitchcock, Whaea Linda, Mr Webb and Miss Becker) who helped us have such a fantastic Skype day.


  1. Room 14,

    Thank you for Skyping with our classroom today. We, "Chicago" students and teacher, really enjoyed playing the geography game with you. We had a lot of fun learning about New Zealand and talking with you. Thanks again for a great "Skype across the globe."

    Coal City, IL, USA

    P.S. You have an awesome teacher!

  2. It looks like we had fun Skyping our friends from around the world.
    From Lita

  3. Hi! Lita,
    Skype Day was lot of fun. What school did you enjoy talking to the most? Did you find out anything interesting about the other countries?
    From Anna


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