Meeting a Rugby Team

Can you guess who these people are?
They are a rugby team.
They are wearing traditional clothes from their country.
They are playing in the Rugby World Cup.
While they are in New Zealand they are based in the Wairarapa.
They are the Georgian Rugby Team.

Do you know where in the world Georgia is?
A lot of the Georgian players play their rugby in France. 
We took this photo and emailed it to our teacher's Mum who lives in Masterton.
She took it to the Georgian Rugby Team and took this photo of Irakli Machkaneli with us. He is a winger in the Georgian Rugby Team. We think it is clever we got to have our photo taken with him even though we weren't there. Irakli signed the photo for us. Anna's Mum is going to post it back to us.

You can find out more about Irakli Machkaneli by clicking on this photo.
Georgia is playing Romania on Wednesday in Palmerston North. We will be cheering for Georgia. We hope Irakli gets a try.


  1. Wow Room 14 Room 11 and Whaea Tash are very jealous of you right now :) (especially whaea tash). You are very lucky to have a photo with players from the Georgia team. From Room 11 and Whaea Tash.

  2. Room 14, How was your teachers mum able to find the team from Georgia? From Sebastian.

  3. Hi! Sebastian,
    Anna's Mum met them through her work. She was involved in organising some events for them while they were in the Wairarapa. She had lunch and dinner with the team. They even offered her tickets to go and watch them play.
    From Room 14

  4. That's a great post Room 14 and a wonderful idea!

  5. WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I wish I was your mum! How did she find the Georgia Rugby team? I think we are a little bit famous because we had our photo with the Georgia rugby team.
    From Eva
    Hamilton East School.

  6. Max and Tanae rm 1 Turuturu schoolSeptember 28, 2011 at 2:40 PM

    Hello room 14 its Max and Tanae from rm 1 Turuturu
    school. WOW your a lucky school you got to meet the georgian rugby team thanks for commenting on our blog we are very greatful :-)

  7. WOW AWESOME!!!!
    Our school has meet a rugby team to! we met the USA hawks
    it must have been so cool to meet the georgia team!!
    From Paige and Emily D room 1 Turuturu School

  8. Room 14 we thought you had a great idea. We saw you were using your thinking brains.
    From Room 9
    Te Poi School

  9. Wow!!!
    That looks cool It looks that you guys are learning a lot about the rugby world cup.
    from esitia


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