
On Monday afternoon Room 14 was getting ready to blog when we heard some beautiful singing outside. Room 14 crept outside quietly and tried to see what was making the noise.
Finally we saw the tui in the Rimu tree outside Room 14.
We did take some photos but it was really hard to show how beautiful the tui is.
Here is a photo of what a tui looks like.
Environment Waikato has a project to help increase tui numbers. Click on this link if you want to find out more about tui and how you can help.
We also took a flip video of the tui. If you look carefully towards the end of the vimeo you will be able to see the tui in the tree.
Tui from Ham East on Vimeo.
We love hearing the tui sing while we are working in our classroom.


  1. Wow! We loved listening to the tui singing and talking. We will be very quiet in Room 16 and keep listening and looking for the tui too. From Room16

  2. WOW That was so cool that we saw the tui in the tree. Room14
    From Fontana

  3. I once heard a Tui in the Rimu tree by the big slide.
    from Emily

  4. The tui is funny because of his white chin. He makes me laugh. By Fabian and Phillip

  5. WOW! We are really lucky to have Tui's at our school. If you are quiet you can hear the Tui singing in the trees. If you don't be quiet the Tui will get scared and it will fly away. If you will try to stand with a stick really quiet maybe the Tui will come closer and sit on you stick.
    From Shakshi.

  6. WOW!!!! That must be cool to see a real Tui. Once I saw a Tui at my house sitting in a tree. The Tui was singing.
    From Afifah


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