Origami with our Japanese Students

Before the Japanese students left we learnt origami.
We made a balloon,camera and a fortune teller. One of the Japanese students made a flying crane. 
The balloon was pretty difficult. But we figured out how to make it. The fun part was when we got to blow into the balloon. 
Anna had a competition with one of the Japanese students Rei. The competition was to see who was better at origami. Because Rei kept on asking the other students so he took ages, and Anna won the competition.

Then we skyped Room 8 at Melville Intermediate to show them what we had made.
Did you like our origami?
Did you get some tips on how to make some origami? 
Written by Georgia and Rebecca


  1. I really like the origami that you made with the Japanese Students. The origami looked cool as room 14.
    From Xiomy

  2. WOW!!! It looks like we had fun doing the Origami.
    From Lita Room14

  3. That was so awsome and fun making the origami with the japanese students.
    From Eva and Esitia :)

  4. I loved doing the origami with the japanese students.
    I have been trying to do the origami at home but it is too tricky for me!!!
    I thought we were lucky to do that because we were learning something new.
    From Eva


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